There are a number of reasons why you may want to cancel Photo Stream, whether it’s a space issue on your iPad or iPhone, or just an urge to set the system up again with fresh snaps. The only way to reset the system is to go to the heart of iCloud – Here you need to log in and then access your account information. From here you can reset the stream. Apple has made the OFF switch online so that you can access the controls from anywhere. So if your iPhone, iPad or Mac is stolen, you can wipe the personal information in the stream using this reset technique. In order to have the change filter through to your hand-helds, you’ll need to turn the stream off in their settings, too.
Step 1: Visit the cloud
Navigate to, enter your username and password, and then click on your name at the top of the browser. That will bring up this screen. Click on Advanced.
Step 2: Are you sure?
As with all permanent moves on a computer, you will be prompted to make sure that you are sure you want to proceed. Click OK and then wait while your snaps get deleted.